Monday, September 9, 2013

Process.. Subtractive Printing

Subtractive printing is a fun and simple way to print using a minimal amount of screens.  It takes some planning, thats really the hardest part, but it can be a fast and efficient process.  Just remember always print lightest to darkest, largest to smallest.  Since I'm using drawing fluid, instead of photo emulsion, as the stencil, it is easier to apply the subtractive method.

Start with your largest image on the screen, shown on the left, and printed in white on the right.

Now with your drawing fluid start painting in an area.  Whatever you paint is blocking the next layer of ink and will stay white.  As you can see all I painted in was "Mud Splats".  When I printed the orange layer, "Mud Splats" remains white.

For the third layer I blocked out the lettering with blue tape.  I wanted an orange outline so I painted in around the border around the splats.  And voila! The final product.

This process starts to make more sense when you plan it out and actually go through the printing steps.  As always there is an importance to registration, make sure every layer matches up, and it take patience and practice.  

If you have any questions or comments about the process or would like your own custom shirt made please feel free to comment below or contact me at

Be Bold.


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